The success story of
Jol Joynes
Private Pilot License (PPL), Commercial Pilot License (CPL), Multi-Engine Instrument Rating (MEIR), and C-Category Instructor Rating.

I am Jol and I currently work for Life Flight, an Air Ambulance operation in Wellington, NZ. I am the Pilot-in-Command (PIC) for our two-pilot turboprop British Aerospace Jetstream 32s. We have two of these in our fleet, and we’re gradually transitioning to our three newly-acquired Beechcraft King Air 200s.
Working in aero-medical operations can be demanding at times, particularly due to the night shifts. However, the challenges are greatly offset by the immense satisfaction I get from witnessing the gratitude of families when their loved ones are transported to the locations they need to be.

As a pilot, flying in and out of Wellington, the world’s windiest city (just check Google!), is incredibly exciting. It demands sharp piloting skills and, of course, an unabating love for flying.
My journey to where I stand today wouldn’t have been possible without NSAC (AIPA’s parent), and its exceptional instructors, both past and present. My journey began with a trial flight with Dave Hayman back in 2004, and it escalated from there. I undertook all my training at AIPA, covering Private Pilot License (PPL), Commercial Pilot License (CPL), Multi-Engine Instrument Rating (MEIR), and C-Category Instructor Rating. Jamie Piggot assisted me with my PPL, Tim Maynard, Ruth Nisbet and Alistair Blake with my CPL, Daryl Gillett with my MEIR, and Tim Maynard and Tim Marshall with my C-Category. All my ground courses were executed professionally at AIPA.
Aviation appealed to me as an extraordinary adventure and a realm where I could use my intellect and push my limits. Even though it can be quite challenging at times, as the saying goes, it certainly beats working for a living!

Jol Joynes's Advice for future students:
“Even though it can be quite challenging at times, as the saying goes, it certainly beats working for a living!”